Hacking Hearts

We were hacked
and the most harrowing images
were hauled up in the middle
of a slide about risk and exposure.

[[Here]] again is the whole [[story]]:
the dark side of [[love]]
allowed without being

Have you learnt yet
how to keep your heart open in hell,
how to say no without hardening,
how to [[be]] neither helper nor helped?

Just the help,
at home in horrible beauty.


Referenced in

Butterfly Book

It's deep autumn [[now]] , but the butterflies are still [[here]] : evergreen [[white]] and orange oracles of calm air, their wings lit…

Unio In Separate Ability

Weeks it's taken us to get [[here]] , the last few signs of a vast surah which starts with the end and now asks me, directly, "What will…

Heaven Scent

What the world smells like right [[now]] will never [[be]] said, and my [[heart]] sings with this one certainty. Sunset's ring has…

Eternal Companion

Hear him cry, o worthy reciter. Surely your tears have the ring of [[truth]] . Meanwhile, the whales have returned to our wide bay to…

Silver Bliss

I remember playing hide-and-go-seek so vividly I can still touch the wall we were crouched behind, the two-tone bare-brick [[white…


I freed a Cape Robin and felt her tiny [[heart]] pulsing, felt the clean fear of no [[way]] out and the great courage to let herself be…


I press the pattern to my nose, threadbare and walked over by generations of my people, their footprints still [[here]] beneath the [[blue…

Cleaving Love

The vast depths are inked indigo after [[read]] ing Al-Infitar , the [[line]] between [[sea]] and sky incandescent in the soft…


[[Here]] is the soft [[song]] of those far forests you walked last [[night]] , harmony heard in the deep ear where no hunter has ever…


The night is clear and thin and full of spectral ghosts that hover like unspoken words, broken in odd places and twisting through the…

Not That

It's not the endless play of [[light]] when you close your [[eye]] s, nor how every cell seems to open into [[peace]] . It's not bird…

Right Away

You and I, sweet [[love]] , have lost it all, sat quietly by a desert fire to watch the spirits of our seven worlds dance this mighty…

Breaking Day

To [[be]] with the meaning of sunrise, simply, until the very source of what it is to hasten to this far horizon as it sinks into gold is…

Rooted Routes

Who walked this wide expanse last [[night]] , opened by waxing [[light]] , and sang a fragrant [[line]] ? Or fell to their knees on the…

Secret Garden II

A pair of [[white]] wings wafts by as you tell me to look into the [[eye]] of the Be [[love]] d, and the palm leaves waltz lazily in…


Your [[love]] is [[light]] focused in my [[heart]] , that first messenger at last arrived to take the [[signed]] [[will]] from this…

Servate Fidem

Life goes on forever, whether you ack [[now]] ledge it or not. It's love we're [[here]] to service: one purring [[heart]] stripped down…

The Dot

Walk through the [[light]] tunnel which is the whole extended history of space [[time]] , a literal looking back into the distant past…

Floating Tales

A butterfly just butted in and is being quite belligerent. I must begin to [[write]] , though what it is I cannot say, opening the…

Spectral Silk

Two thin strands of a spider's web strung across the window catch sun [[light]] streaming [[through]] and display a small part of its…


"The importance of the moment is most important in the moment." - Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri It's still [[here]] , a glossy [[sea]] like…


The Blue Book includes an explanation of why "traces" matter in literary terms, citing Jacques Derrida and his seminal essay, "Signature…

Telling Time

Two nights ago in a dream, you held my face so tenderly I felt everything else in the world fall apart except this embrace, lathered in the…


Today talked of victory for the new Nasruddin as a [[song]] reached fever pitch spreading [[light]] from the speakers, like it did last…

Other Voice

"The colour of Allah is upon us! And what better dye than that of Allah. It is Him we worship." 2:138 "The colour of my [[love]] is deep…


Two trees guard either end of the path: massive milkwoods who greet me every morning on my way [[through]] the forest, singing salaam…

Explore the full YouTube playlist or The Blue Book playlist or the Living playlist. You can also @ me on Twitter with any questions.